I’m joined by guests Adam Curry, Oscar Merry, Gigi & Odell to discuss podcasting 2.0. To send Bitcoin related questions, just go to bitcoin.review and click submit story at the top right.

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Discussion Topics:

00:02:39 What is value for value?

00:14:02 Monetizing content

00:18:56 Micropayments

00:23:07 Earning a living with podcasting 2.0

00:29:07 Value signal vs attention signal

00:31:26 Ads, no ads, and hybrid models

00:39:41 Onboarding

00:50:05 Permissionless nature of podcasting 2.0

00:52:30 Sponsorship and patronage

01:00:43 Monetization strategies

01:09:17 Driving adoption

01:22:51 Open standards in podcasting 2.0

01:28:30 Upcoming feature: the remote item tag

01:33:28 Transparency and statistics

01:36:03 Boost bot and the podcaster API

01:37:54 Challenges with LN and micropayments

01:40:42 Driving education

01:46:49 Audience questions

01:47:29 Podcasting 2.0 apps

Episode submission ideas

  • We’re looking for ideas for interesting panel conversations. To send Bitcoin related questions, just go to bitcoin.review and follow the contact links at the bottom of the page.

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