I’m joined by guests Craig Raw, James O’Beirne⁠ & Rijndael to go through the list.

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Opening Quote

  • “There is no patch for stupidity.” Kevin Mitnick, RIP to one of the real ones.


  • 00:02:06 Opensats
    • Long-Term Support Program for Bitcoin Core Developers
    • New initiative from OpenSats and is distinct from regular grant program and website listings
    • Specifically designed to provide long-term support for developers who are working on critical open-source infrastructure in and around bitcoin.
    • Geared towards long-term stability for grantees, with a minimum grant duration of 12 months and possible grant durations of two years or longer.
    • To be eligible for the LTS program, applicants must:
    • Have a track record of quality contributions
    • Be mission-driven and self-motivated
    • Be able to work in public
    • Be bitcoin-only
    • Applications for the LTS program are now open.
    • First Wave of Bitcoin Grants [Announced]
    • Payjoin Dev Kit, Bolt12 for LND, Splicing, Raspiblitz, Labelbase, BTCPay Server, ZeroSync, Mutiny Wallet, next-auth Lightning Provider, Cashu, lnproxy, Blixt Wallet
  • 00:04:52 Coinkite
    • Q1
    • Q1 reserve now
    • Q1 progressing - more plastic tweaks
    • Q1 software sneak peek video
    • Mk4 - New black, gold, and red Mk4s now for reservation
    • Mk4 Shipping status update: Almost catch up, sorry for the delays reservations going strong
    • Blank & hex TAPSIGNERs now at $39.99


Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 00:06:57 Sparrow v1.7.8
    • Add BIP322 message signing for singlesig addresses including P2TR
    • Add zbar QR reader for all QR scans (wide, cropped and inverted)
    • Add useZbar config variable to disable zbar scanning (enabled by default)
    • Add Rename Wallet command to File menu
    • Set initial fee for proposed RBF transaction to satisfy minimum relay requirements
    • When constructing RBF and CPFP transactions, add any additional UTXOs by output group only if effective fee is sufficient
  • 00:25:54 Mercury Wallet v0.9.0
    • Alpha release of fully self-custodial Lightning Network wallet functionality (build from LDK)
    • Coin exclusion list available in settings
  • 00:27:04 Fully Noded
    • Fully Noded Bitcoin Core iOS app released
    • A simplified version of Fully Noded that works with onchain Bitcoin Core only
  • 00:28:48 MyCitadel v1.4
    • Improved fonts and colours for the transaction list
    • Context menus for transaction, address and coin lists
    • Copy txid, address, amounts, heights to clipboard via context menu
    • Ability to pay full wallet balance to an address
  • 00:29:31 Nunchuk iOS v1.9.28 / Android 1.9.33
    • Make TAPSIGNER and software keys compatible with BIP48
    • Add the ability to export transaction in raw hex when in Ready-to-broadcast state
    • Allow mobile to trigger adding Coldcard/Trezor/Ledger via USB on desktop
  • 00:35:10 BlueWallet v6.4.6
    • Support scanning SeedQR backup
    • New languages
  • 00:35:28 Blixt Wallet v0.6.8
    • New feature: Speedloader - Syncs the wallet’s channel database (“channel graph”) on startup
    • Added the ability to periodically sync Lightning channels (via Speedloader). Find the setting in the Experiments category.
    • Added basic hodl invoice support: Payments now show up as “pending” in the transaction log before they are settled or cleared out.
    • Added 0-conf channel support: Add pubkeys for nodes from which you would like to accept 0-conf channels. In the future, Dunder LSP may support 0-conf channels.
    • Added the ability to compact lnd’s databases.
  • 00:37:52 BDK v1.0.0-alpha.1
    • Introduces the new ChainOracle struct for more efficient chain syncing
    • A new std default feature was added for bdk, bdk_chain and bdk_esplora crates; when disabled these crates can be used in no-std projects
    • Added:
    • Add a simple conversion tool for going to kilo weight units
    • Add Custom spk iterator
    • Add taproot descriptor template (BIP-86)
    • Experimentation only
    • BDK Announces The Bitcoin Dev Kit Foundation
    • The Bitcoin Dev Kit Foundation is a US non-profit corporation with the mission to promote the development of, public access to and adoption of the free and open source Bitcoin Dev Kit (BDK) library software.
  • 00:42:25 Keeper v1.0.7
    • Now perform Whirlpool over Tor using the in-app feature or the Orbot App
    • Major improvements to the way the app connects to nodes
    • Many hardware wallet-related issues resolved
    • UX/UI enhancements for Tor, and node connectivity
  • 00:42:44 BTC Pay Server v1.10.3
    • Pull Payment: Support LNURL Withdraw with SATS denomination
  • 00:42:59 Parmanode Update
    • Now installs, on demand, electrum or sparrow, and connects them automatically on demand to your node, E server, with or without tor. (pgp verifies ofc)
    • Also gives the option to set up a darknet server so you can host anything over tor from your home.
  • 00:43:10 RGB Core v0.10.5
    • Upgrade strict type libraries
    • Preserve historic state for reorgs and unmined witness txes
    • Refactor types for ordering global state in contract history data
  • 00:44:38 StartOS v0.3.4.3
    • Improved Tor reliability
    • Experimental features tab: Zram & Manually reset tor
    • Update branding
  • 00:44:59 Bisq v1.9.12
    • Clone existing offers while sharing its maker fee and security deposit. The cloned offer can have a different price, payment method, currency, and trigger price.
    • Bisq now starts quicker because light nodes don’t process Burningman accounting statistics anymore
    • Dispute agents can resend PeerOpenedDisputeMessages to non-resposive peers
  • 00:45:11 Peach
    • v0.2.11
    • Sellers on Peach can now change the premium/discount of their offer after the escrow has been funded
    • Integrating with @Liquid_BTC USDT for peer2peer trading
    • v0.2.10
    • RBF Support
    • Backup reminders
  • 00:45:31 Orange Pill App 1.4.4
    • Added zaps to events
  • 00:45:37 BitGo MuSig2
    • Taproot MuSig2 launched on BitGo Bitcoin hot wallets

Project spotlight

  • 00:47:04 Wallby: An all-in-one wallet and app for Bitcoin and all its main sidechains and layer 2 technologies [Announcement / Website]
    • Available for beta testing on Android, with iOS version ready and waiting for Apple’s approval
    • Currently supports Bitcoin, Liquid Network (including tokens and NFTs) and Rootstock (including its main tokens and decentralized exchange pairs thanks to Sovryn’s infrastructure).
    • Next objective for the medium term is to integrate Lightning Network + RGB, and to release as much as possible of the code as open source.
  • 00:48:04 Payjoin Development Kit (PDK)
    • A full and completely standalone Payjoin implementation with supporting modules enabling greater flexibility.
  • 00:50:13 Bitpac: Publicly auditable cooperatives that live on bitcoin
    • A bitpac is a cooperative whose members control some money and vote on how to spend it.
    • It uses bitcoin multisig to enable group control and voting happens over nostr.
  • 00:51:23 BIP39 Colors: Translates a BIP39 mnemonic to colors and viceversa [Announcement / Website]

Lightning & L2

Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 00:54:23 Phoenix 3rd Generation Beta Announced
    • Splicing: single dynamic channel, no more 1% fee on inbound liquidity, better predictability and control, trustless swaps
    • 1 channel per user means 1 UTXO per user. This is the smallest on-chain footprint possible for self-custody on Bitcoin. If you keep stacking, the channel will keep growing in size.
    • The fee model changes:
    • Only mining fees are due on incoming payments (vs 1%/3000 sat)
    • 0.4% for sending Lightning payments (vs 0.05% - 0.5%)
    • When the mempool is empty you can deposit funds to your wallet for a fee as low as 300 sat.
    • More predictability and control:
    • Channel management policy is customizable
    • Phoenix will tell you in advance if a Lightning invoice will not fit in your channel
    • The fee for outgoing Lightning payment is now shown before making the payment
    • Trustless Swaps
    • Swap-outs (paying a bitcoin address) actually spend directly from your channel.
    • You can choose the feerate, and use fee-bumping like with a regular on-chain wallet.
    • Android for now, iOS coming soon
  • 00:56:48 Mutiny Wallet Beta
    • Beta now available to everyone
    • Partnered with Voltage Cloud to be the main Liquidity Service Provider
    • Separated the balance between funds in Lightning channels and funds for on-chain spending
    • Encrypted & remote storage for restoring your latest Lightning-related data
    • Integrated social tipping feature Nostr Wallet Connect
    • Introducing Mutiny+, Mutiny’s first subscription feature built on top of NWC
  • 01:05:27 Mutiny Node v0.4.1
    • Encrypted state backups for lightning data, which allow for restoring lightning data with just your seed words.
    • Configurable to your own URL if you want, should be compatible with any VSS compatible software (made by Spiral)
  • 01:05:49 Torq v1.0.1
    • Automation Workflows:
    • Dry run a workflow before running it live
    • Open/Close/Request channels within an automation
    • Capture workflow logs & visualize them in a detailed flow diagram
    • LSP spec:
    • Buy channels directly within the user interface, or within an automation flow
    • HTLC Firewalls:
    • Create new workflows to firewall/drop HTLCs.
    • Prevent a malicious node from jamming your channels by setting a max number of pending HTLCs
    • Move funds between nodes:
    • Balance funds between nodes either through LN or on-chain
    • Paid Version for large nodes
  • 01:07:21 lnbits v0.10.9 Yvette++
    • New Security panel with six components:
    • Server logs: Directly view the logs of your LNbits instance from the admin UI.
    • IP Blocker: add IP addresses that you would like to block from accessing your instance.
    • Rate limiter: Protects your instance better from denial-of-service attacks. You can set the number of requests per time unit you want to allow.
    • Security notifications: New notifications area shows updates from the LNbits team to notify about new version releases and warnings. This is an opt-in feature.
    • Killswitch: Allows lnbits to temporarily disable your LNbits instance from making any payments until you restart it. Intended to protect users from loss of funds in the event of a security incident. Killswitch will only trigger in the event of a critical exploit. This is an opt-in feature.
    • Watchdog (coming soon): Runs periodic checks against your node’s balance and your LNbits instance’s balance. If it detects deviations between the two up to a certain margin, it will disable all payments until you turn it off again. This is to protect you from any vulnerabilities that might drain your instance’s balance.
  • 01:07:53 Stacker News v1.2.0
    • Login with email (magic link)
    • Zap posts
    • WIP Notifications
    • WIP Settings Page
  • 01:08:13 Cashu v0.12.3
    • New token lock type: Pay-to-Pubkey (P2PK)
    • Allows you to create ecash tokens that can only be spent by their designated recipient
    • A token locked with P2PK can be posted online without any third party being able to spend it
    • NUT updates
    • NUT-09: wallet can now show mint information with cashu info -m
    • NUT-07: Mint responds with token proof’s pending state #277
  • 01:12:10 Zeus LN node update
    • Zeus no longer requires you run a separate lightning node
    • Embedded node on your phone
    • No channel management necessary
    • Self custody as expected
    • Users will be prompted at first start if they want to connect to an existing remote node or create a new wallet
  • 01:13:40 sphinx-key v0.2.0
    • Validated lightning signing!
    • SD card channel state persistence
    • Secure seed passing
  • 01:14:46 Breez SDK Core v0.1.2
    • Performance & Optimizations: Faster startup time (less than a second for the SDK to be ready for payment)
    • Performance & Optimizations: Reduce TLS handshakes to greenlight by using one gRPC connection.
    • Simpler API: Introducing connect method for Simple initialization. One initialization code for all cases (register, recover, existing)
    • Features: Seamless realtime backups
    • Features: Sending on-chain (reverse swap)
    • Binding: Added support for golang, csharp and python
  • 01:15:18 Validating Lightning Signer Beta Release
    • VLS is an open-source Rust library and reference implementation of software that separates a user’s private keys from their Lightning node, ensuring that if the node is compromised, the attacker cannot steal the user’s funds
    • VLS opens up the possibility of multi-signature Lightning network setups, similar to Bitcoin layer 1 multi-sig
    • The VLS beta offers a set of features designed to secure against a malicious node:
    • Works with CLN and LDK
    • Encrypted cloud state backup
    • Disaster recovery from signer and node failure
    • Complete set of layer-2 validation rules
    • Optional validation rules (e.g. velocity, approval)
    • A complete set of layer-1 validation rules (on-chain channel state tracking)
    • Heartbeat generation
    • Allowlist for approved destinations
    • UTXO set oracle guarantees safe on-chain state
    • See here for a full changelog
  • 01:15:49 LN Markets Update
    • Higher trading limits: 1 BTC margin used per account, 10 million sats max per trade
    • Single price reference for options
    • New order type: stop limit order
    • LNM Umbrel app minimalist update
  • 01:15:58 Pocket Integrating Lightning
    • Currently implementing payouts over the Bitcoin Lightning network
    • Applications open for the Pocket Bitcoin Lightning beta
  • 01:16:03 Oak Node v0.3.7
    • Nostr: Support for NIP-47 Nostr Wallet Connect
    • PowPub: Support npub and PoW vanity keys
  • 01:16:08 BitBanana v0.6.5
    • Added support for long descriptions on LNURL-Pay
    • Improved QR-Code robustness & size
    • Updated tor geoip data
  • 01:16:27 10101 v1.0.21
    • Configurable oracle endpoint and public key
    • Removed stop-gap from receiving payments with open position
    • Reduced min amount of 50k sats on receiving payments
  • 01:16:48 8333.mobi
    • Clans feature announced - Clans give you the ability to send and receive Bitcoin as a group.
  • 01:16:59 CivKit Roadmap Released
  • 01:17:25 Bolt.observer sub-60s notifications
  • 01:17:30 Alby
    • Integrated with DFX, an exchange service to buy and sell bitcoin via simple bank transaction. You can now stack sats with Alby.

Project spotlight

  • 01:17:41 Orb [Website / Github]
    • A cross-platform (Mac / Windows / OSX / IOS / Android) application for managing an LND / CLN Lightning node.
    • It features bulk payments, an editor, API, App Store, node automation engines and a lot more.
  • 01:18:17 P-38: Use Lightning Network to send satellite messages with Blockstream
  • 01:18:47 LNDg: Lite GUI web interface to analyze lnd data and manage your node with automation.
  • 01:18:55 Minibits [Announcement / Website / Github]
    • Minibits is an e-cash wallet with a focus on performance and usability.
    • Cash is issued by mints and backed by Bitcoin via the Cashu protocol and Lightning Network.
    • Sign up for testing at on the website or get one of the alpha releases on the GitHub repository
  • 01:19:05 Lightning Prisms (PHP)
    • A PHP library that allows you to easily split a lightning payment to multiple lightning addresses.
  • 01:20:01 Git Lurker
    • Tracks and summarizes Bitcoin related GitHub projects.
    • Data is sorted by the latest release.


Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 01:20:30 Amethyst Release v0.62.4: Cashu Token support
    • Adds Cashu Token redemption to the User’s LN address
  • 01:20:49 Primal.net
    • Entire Primal stack open sourced under MIT license
    • Primal iOS app released in TestFlight
    • Primal Android app released in public alpha
    • All apps and source code available through primal.net/downloads

Project spotlight

  • 01:23:02 Zapple Pay by Ben Carman
    • Lets you Zap from any nostr client
    • Just react to a note UnLoCkAbLe dIgItAl cOnTeNt with a 🤙 emoji and Zapple Pay will notify your lightning wallet over NWC to pay the zap
  • 01:23:19 Zap.Stream: Nostr Native Streaming with Sats

Privacy Software

Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 01:21:02 Simplex Chat v5.2.0-beta.2
    • delivery receipts!
    • mark chats as favorite and filter chats
    • share SimpleX address with your contacts via your chat profile
    • fix connection on decryption error (e.g. after importing old database)
    • restart and shutdown app buttons
    • search group members when adding
    • view full original message in reply message info
    • abort connection switch
    • set preference to prohibit or allow message reactions
    • disappearing messages improvements
  • https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplex-chat/releases/tag/v5.2.0-beta.2


  • 01:23:25 Thanks to everyone who streamed sats, and shoutout to our top boosters:
    • @cumr0cket (69,420 sats) “😴😴☠️”
    • @ahanniga
    • (10,000 sats) “👏👏😜🎯”
    • (10,000 sats) “Great episode 🤙”
    • @michaelmatulef
    • (1,000 sats) “Excellent conversation! Hands down some of the highest signal out there. Thank you 🙏”
    • @greggrahamtx (7,777 sats) “I learn a lot from the show.”
    • @apemithrandir
    • (7,777 sats) “EU are close to forcing Apple to allow side loading of Apps.”
    • (8,888 sats) “Bisq v1.9.11 added Cloning Offers. This allows you to show offers in Multiple Payment types and Currencies using the same escrow transaction. Allows better bootstrapping for less liquid markets.”
    • (7,777 sats) “wen softfork”
    • @vake (2,000 sats) “bitcoin is boring and nothing happens”
    • @owen_ (1234 sats) “Found this podcast while trying to find information about clock making. Enjoyed it regardless!”
    • @dash (7,777 sats) “there are issues with the MK3 reproducible builds, using the Coinkite script and following the Coinkite instructions. it appears to be very minor (just a time/date stamp) but that does mean by the strict definition several MK3 builds are not reproducible. (although the latest build appears fixed now) Stop gaslighting people that they’re too stupid to copy/paste a couple of simple cli commands. You are making even big fans of yours nervous by being gaslighty and disingenuous on this issue.”

Bitcoin Optech Newsletter

  • 258
    • LN specification clean up proposed
    • Rusty Russell proposes a clean-up of the Lightning Network (LN) specification.
    • Some outdated features will be removed, and ongoing support for other features will be assumed.
    • Results of a survey show that nearly all nodes support variable-sized onion messages, gossip queries, data loss protection, and static remote-party keys.
    • Variable-sized onion messages allow relaying arbitrary data to specific hops but limit the number of hops if data size increases.
    • Gossip queries enable nodes to request specific subsets of gossip messages, optimizing bandwidth and processing time.
    • Data loss protection allows nodes to detect and close channels in the latest state when reconnecting.
    • Static remote-party keys ensure funds are consistently sent to the same address in each channel update.
    • Initial feedback on the clean-up proposal PR is positive.
  • 257
    • Preventing coinjoin pinning with v3 transaction relay
    • Greg Sanders proposes v3 transaction relay rules to prevent coinjoin pinning.
    • Coinjoin-style transactions can use a script requiring signatures from all participants or a participant with a timelock expiration.
    • Participants must coordinate to co-sign any conflicting transactions until the timelock expires.
    • This approach ensures transaction security and prevents one participant from blocking the coinjoin transaction.
    • Speculatively using hoped-for consensus changes
    • Robin Linus proposes speculative use of hoped-for consensus changes on Bitcoin-Dev mailing list.
    • The idea involves spending money to a script fragment with a long timelock, allowing miners to claim funds in 20 years.
    • The script is designed to change meaning with a potential consensus rule upgrade, like adding OP_ZKP_VERIFY opcode.
    • This could enable creating a one-way peg to an alternative chain, receiving equivalent BTC on the sidechain.
    • After 20 years, a ZKP proof could be used to withdraw locked deposits and create a two-way peg.
    • Users making such transactions are betting on Bitcoin’s consensus rules being changed.
    • The proposal hasn’t received discussion on the mailing list yet.

News & Noteworthy


  • 01:26:14 Block MDK Update
    • The MDK aims to broaden the use cases for bitcoin mining while promoting clean and efficient energy usage.
    • Work on the MDK has progressed, and its current components include a custom-designed hashboard, a controller board with USB connection, miner firmware with a graphical user interface, a RESTful software API, and a single-board system reference design.
    • The MDK will be primarily targeted at technically proficient developers, with plans for future products to cater to wider audiences.
    • The hashboard and controller board will be available for standalone purchase, supporting applications requiring multiple hashboards and easy replacement of parts.
    • Product launch anticipated in early 2022.
  • 01:26:33 f2pool launches Bitcoin Transaction Accelerator
  • 01:26:47 Privacy reacher and dev Chris Belcher, who was working on CoinSwap until a year ago, posted an unfortunate update on his health condition.

Lightning & L2

  • 01:27:17 Someone is attempting to exploit a potential vulnerability in Lightning backends: BOLT-11 “payment hash” does not commit to payment [Ben Carmen]
  • 01:27:48 Lightning Labs releases AI For All
    • New developer tools for Lightning and AI developers
    • The tools enable building cost-effective LLM (Large Language Model) tooling incorporating Lightning and Bitcoin.
    • LangChainBitcoin: A suite of tools allowing Langchain agents to interact with Bitcoin and the Lightning Network
    • LLM Agent BitcoinTools leverage OpenAI GPT function calls for Bitcoin-related functionality.
    • L402 HTTP API Traversal is a Python wrapper for LangChain LLM chain, providing access to payment-metered APIs.
    • Aperture: A reverse proxy server implementing the L402 protocol
    • Now supports Lightning Node Connect for connecting Lightning nodes to web browsers.
    • Enables dynamic per-call pricing by providing full HTTP request context to the backend.
    • L402 bLIP: A Bitcoin Lightning Improvement Proposal for the L402 protocol standard
    • A protocol standard for payment-metered APIs, aligning with the HTTP 402 Payment Required status code.
    • Combines Lightning Network’s payment capabilities with authentication functionality.
    • These tools aim to build more accessible AI infrastructure and coincide with the AI4ALL hackathon.
  • 01:32:49 Simple Bitcoin Wallet to remove lightning and become on-chain wallet only [Announcement]
    • “Lightning Network will be completely removed in next release (2.4.29)”
    • “The reasons are as follows in order of importance:
    • I no longer have time or resources to keep continuously evolving LN protocol up to date in SBW.
    • I fail to see LN taking off in any meaningful capacity over the years and consider it a technically troubled market mismatch.”


  • 01:36:35 Bitcoin Park celebrating first year
    • 40+ free bitcoin community socials, bitdevs, workshops, and summits
    • 100+ supporting members
    • 1000+ person meetup group
    • 3000+ attendees across all events

Business & Finance

  • 01:37:57 MicroStrategy sold another 1mm shares to buy 12.3k Bitcoin [SEC Report]
  • 01:39:22 Brazilian Bitcoin Startup Bipa Raises $1.4 Million In Seed Round [Bitcoin Magazine]
    • Bipa seeks to eliminate entry barriers and promote the use of bitcoin by providing a user-friendly digital account connected to instant payment networks PIX (Brazilian real) and Lightning (Bitcoin)
  • 01:39:28 Binance Completes Integration of Bitcoin (BTC) on Lightning Network, Opens Deposits and Withdrawals [Announcement]

Government & Political

  • 01:39:44 The capital gains tax rate for Bitcoin in Slovakia has been reduced significantly [dennikn.sk]
    • Dropped from 39% to 7%
  • 01:39:52 North Carolina House Advances Bill To Study Virtual Currency Including Bitcoin [Bitcoin Magazine]
    • The North Carolina House of Representatives has passed House Bill 721, which includes provisions to study the acquisition and potential benefits of virtual currency, with a specific focus on Bitcoin.
    • The bill, titled State Precious Metals Depository Study, aims to examine the process of securely holding, insuring, and liquidating virtual currency on behalf of the state.
    • It has now been referred to the Senate for further consideration.
  • 01:39:57 Kraken Ordered to Turn Over Its Users’ Information to the IRS [Bloomberg]
    • Kraken was ordered by a judge to provide a wide swath of information about its users to the Internal Revenue Service for the agency’s investigation of underreported tax liability.
    • The IRS has said it wants information on Kraken accounts that did at least $20,000 of cryptocurrency trading in any single year, from 2016 to 2020.
  • 01:40:04 Belarus Looks to Ban Peer-to-Peer Crypto Transactions [Coindesk]
    • Citizens of the east European country will be allowed to conduct crypto transactions only through exchanges based in the Belarus Hi-Tech Park (HTP) “for the sake of transparency and control.”
  • 01:40:14 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lists on his June 30 financial disclosure report a brokerage account that held between $100,001 and $250,000 worth of bitcoin. [CNBC]


  • 01:40:29 Huobi accidentally exposed a set of credentials that enabled access to the crypto exchange’s cloud storage, putting user data at risk [The Block]
    • Crypto exchange Huobi quietly fixed a data breach that had reportedly put users’ assets at risk since June 2021.
    • The breach involved the exposure of credentials granting write privileges to all of Huobi’s AWS S3 buckets, which the company uses for its cloud storage, according to white hat hacker and citizen journalist Aaron Phillips.
  • 01:40:59 BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF Application Takes Surveillance to the Next Level [Coindesk]
    • “An Information-Sharing Agreement, which appears to be absent from public spot Bitcoin ETF filings, compels a crypto exchange to share trading data up to and including personal information such as a customer’s name and address.”


  • 01:41:16 Here’s a list of our top recently published reads:
    • Deep dive into Oracle-Based Conditional payments by LN Markets
    • A Technical Overview of Virtual PSBTs in the Taproot Assets Protocol by Lightning Labs
    • A Technical Walkthrough of Hash Time Locked Contracts and Lightning Channel Operations [Lightning Labs]
    • Working In Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software by Nadia Eghbal [Amazon]
    • Open Music is Bringing a New Sound to Podcasts by Wavlake
    • The Rise of Lightning Service Providers by Synonym
    • Simplicity: Holes and Side Effects by [Andrew Poelstra]
    • Pseudonymity: An FAQ for Bitcoiners by Modus Bronens & Heady Wook
    • The many faces of Schnorr by Victor Shoup
    • Introducing the new Phoenix: a 3rd generation self-custodial Lightning wallet [Blog Post]
    • Building Blocks of Simplicity: Values and Types by Blockstream Research
    • Zapplepay: Zap Even if They Say it’s Forbidden [Habla.news]
    • Buying non-KYC Bitcoin with AgoraDesk Guide by [bitcoiner.guide]
    • Blixt Wallet Guide by [bitcoiner.guide]

Audience Questions and Submissions

  • 01:46:30 Fedimint on Mutinynet
    • Head over to GitHub and check out the docker folder. There are some scripts and dockerfiles that can get you up and running on Mutiny signet.
    • Technical skills probably needed.
    • Please file bugs
    • Bring your questions/comment/concerns/bitches/gripes/moans/ideas/rants to the Fedimint Discord at chat.fedimint.org

Closing Quote

  • “The computer can be used as a tool to liberate and protect people, rather than to control them,” - Hal Finney

Episode submission ideas

  • We’re looking for ideas for interesting panel conversations. To send Bitcoin related questions, just go to bitcoin.review and follow the contact links at the bottom of the page.

Get in touch with the pod

Did I get anything wrong above? Help me correct it producer@coinkite.com