I’m joined by guests Miljan, Pablo, Tony & Kieran to go through the list of Nostr updates.

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Opening Quote

  • “Don’t explain computers to laymen. Simpler to explain sex to a virgin.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress



  • 00:07:25 Stats rundown from Primal:
    • Users: 539,879
    • Public keys: 32,269,387
    • Zaps: 1,355,266 (1 Million Zaps Milestone surpassed 🥳)
    • BTC zapped: 12.32799906
    • Public notes: 63,227,828
    • Reposts: 12,784,967
    • Reactions: 21,826,154
    • All events: 123,958,063


Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 00:11:15 NIP-90: Data Vending Machine
    • Algorithmic feeds added by Pablo
    • “Data Vending Machine feed algorithms are not only fully voluntary, they also have a very organic long-tail design, where thousands of algorithms can be easily designed (because Nostr has solved the discovery problem!) and where Data Vending Machines could serve a niche so specific that is composed of only 5 or 10 people and still be worthwhile running it.”
    • “Next I’m going to work on building one more reference implementation where I will have a data vending machine calculate a feed for @Highlighter that would be truly impossible to calculate on the client (lists that contains most zapped highlights within a specific domain, e.g. AI).”
  • 00:22:06 NIP-52: Calendar Events, Calendars, Calendar Event RSVPs
    • Terry Yiu put out a request for comments on his pull request for NIP-52: Calendar Events.
    • It’ll enable developers to build calendar apps, meetup apps, and conference apps upon the same primitives
  • 00:23:52 Primal.net
    • Web App
    • Saved searches
    • Save your favorite searches and hashtags to your Primal Homepage by clicking “add this feed to my homepage” whenever you search on Primal
    • Seamlessly switch between curated highlights, user feeds, and personalized saved searches
    • Primal Highlights
    • On your Primal homepage, you’ll find curated hashtags like #photography, #fitness, #nature, #food, and more
    • DMs
    • Build 0.21.1 Updates
    • Edit profile
    • More stable connections to relays
    • More reliable posting and other actions
    • iOS Now Available on TestFlight
    • Build 0.23.1 Updates
    • Editor: media uploads
    • Main screen: new notes button
    • Feed: note context menu
    • Login via npub
    • Alpha preview release of the Primal Android app
    • Build Build 0.12.4 Updates
    • Simple actions: like, repost, post (plain text)
    • Automatic feed list refresh
    • Infrastructure: testing framework; local nostr account improvements (requires re-auth)
  • 00:37:11 Damus v1.6 (7): “Less bad”
    • Show nostr address username and support abbreviated _ usernames
    • Re-add nip05 badges to profiles
    • Add space when tagging users in posts if needed
    • Added padding under word count on longform account
  • 00:38:35 Snort v0.1.11
    • Live streaming page (NIP-102)
    • Chat system refactor (adding new chat systems much easier now, NIP-29 first candidate)
    • NIP-29 simple group chat support
  • 00:41:16 iris-messenger v0.2.0
    • Created devcontainer.json.
    • Added a link to the desktop app on the about page
    • Moved profile & follow event indexes to LokiJS
    • Improved DM loading
    • Read & write with relays from the user’s contact list
    • Logo click now goes to the last opened feed
    • Added a QR button to the menu
    • Updated relaypool
  • 00:41:54 Amethyst
    • v0.70.6
    • New Post, Relay Choice: Select/Deselect all options
    • New Post, Relay Choice: Fixes missing switch when url is too long
    • Adds missing OptIn when using GlobalScope
    • Refactors Crypto/Hex/Bech classes and dependencies
    • Simplifies relay connection status
    • Moves to OkHttpClient on URL Preview Queries
    • Moves to OkHttpClient on Image uploads
    • Refactoring of the Connectivity Settings
    • Avoids crossfading animations when loading NIP94 and NIP95 content
    • Moves playback service startup to the IO Thread
    • Custom reactions
    • v0.71.0
    • Adds support for the g tag with a precision of 5x5km.
    • Adds support for the following locations
    • Adds support for multiple locations in lists
    • Refactors New Post Buttons to make them more similar to one another
    • Improves Translation-skip Indexes
    • Reviews closing of response.body calls
    • Refactors unused elements in VideoView
    • Refactors Relay class to remove the Synchronized block
    • Improves reachability of the relay screen when the keyboard is visible
  • 00:43:18 Coracle
    • 0.2.34
    • Fix mentions on Safari
    • Fix quoted 30023 events
    • Fix Safari performance issues
    • Small note display bugfixes
    • Fix inability to publish on first signup
    • 0.2.33
    • Add rendering support for kind 1985 (labels and reviews)
    • Add rendering support for kind 9802 (highlights)
    • Add rendering support for kind 1063 (image header)
    • Add rendering support for kind 30023 (long form content)
  • 00:47:27 Nos.social v0.1 (59)
    • Add a loading placeholder for note contents
    • Fixed several crashes
    • Added Dutch, Japanese, and Persian translations
  • 00:47:40 Plebstr v0.7.4
    • fix video where it gets stuck in detail
    • changed icon on post card of share
    • fixes in writing new post
    • fixes in search
  • 00:47:58 Nostur 1.3.0
    • Login with nsecBunker, including support for self hosted version
    • Share screenshots of posts
    • Improved zap amount selector
    • Show previous name when someone changes their profile name
  • 00:48:17 Nostrmo 1.8.0
    • Followed tags
    • Followed communities
    • Bugfix
  • 00:48:24 Arcade v0.3.0-beta
    • Add basic AI chat (v0.3)
    • Add custom contact allows nip05
    • Save channels to private data
    • Swipeable reply layout
    • New message form
  • 00:49:48 Rust Nostr v0.22
    • Remove amount tag from zap receipt event builder
    • Add lnurl tag
    • Add support for handling NIP-40 Expiration Timestamp
    • Make preimage optional in zap event builder
    • docs: clarify req_events_of behavior
    • nostr: Also accept displayName in metadata
    • Add more docs for RelayPoolNotification
    • Add support for NIP-58 Badges
    • nostr: remove thiserror dep
    • chore: fix typos
    • Nip47
  • 00:50:56 Highlighter
  • 00:58:16 Habla.news “Welcome to Nostr 🤗”
  • Adds ability to follow hashtags and filter feed by hashtag
  • Adds onboarding flow for new nostr users
  • Adds settings page for profile and relay list
  • 00:58:43 Mostro - A lightning Network peer-to-peer exchange platform built on Nostr
    • First draft of mostro fee
    • Fixes on saving fee
    • Limit order amount
    • Retry test
    • First commit on nip12 filter
    • nip12 fiat name filter tag
    • small test on fee calculations
    • Add settings file
  • 01:01:48 Wavlake
    • Podcasters can now pull music directly into shows and their listeners can compensate all parties in real time.
    • Directly within the podcast player.
    • Any amount, any frequency.
  • 01:02:11 nostr-zap
    • Add wallet selector
  • 01:02:20 Nostore
  • 01:02:34 Nostr Wallet Connect from Alby

Bitcoin Projects Leveraging Nostr

  • 01:02:42 Postr A proof-of-concept for doing payjoin using Nostr
  • 01:03:18 Bitpac: Publicly auditable cooperatives that live on bitcoin
    • Uses bitcoin multisig to enable group control and voting happens over nostr.
  • 01:03:33 Mutiny Wallet Beta
    • Integrated social tipping feature Nostr Wallet Connect
  • 01:05:30 Oak Node v0.3.7
    • Support for NIP-47 Nostr Wallet Connect

Project spotlight

  • 01:07:06 Nostr Birdsite Bridge
  • Scans who you follow on twitter and generates nostr profiles that mirror their posts
  • 01:09:23 agorasocial.app by Andrew
    • Client that focuses on following topics, similar to Reddit
    • It also uses https://rsslay.nostr.moe to generate a nostr profile for subreddits that coincide with the topic followed. For example, if a user follows #cordcutters, it’ll generate a nostr profile from the rss feed of /r/cordcutters and add the #cordcutters hashtag to every post.
  • 01:10:30 nostr.kiwi: A place for you to share notes and curate content in communities.
  • 01:11:24 zapit.live
    • Put any content behind Bitcoin lightning paywall
    • Any content such as Blog, Videos, Audio, Picture & PDF
    • Create paywalled link & share it Everywhere
    • Split Payments (Prisms)
    • Split the zap or forward all payments to your main wallet
  • 01:12:06 Nostryfied
    • Nostryfied offers an Broadcast & Export Service that allows you to download a copy of your data & when you use this service, all of your data will also be Broadcasted to Major Relays on the network.
    • This design ensures that the data is Widely Distributed and makes it more Resistant to Censorship.
  • 01:12:42 Satellite CDN: Scalable media hosting for the nostr ecosystem by Stuart Bowman
    • Upload video and other large files, up to 5 GB each
    • Simple flat-rate pricing, buy storage with sats
    • Fast, free and unlimited data transfer
    • Integrated NIP-94 censorship resistance
    • Developer-friendly API
  • 01:14:40 Nostr Mesh: Self-Healing ESP32 Nostr-Arduino Based Mesh-Network
    • While utilizing WiFi for node connections imposes a range limitation of less than 200 meters, it significantly boosts bandwidth, thereby enabling the sharing of internet access across the mesh network.
    • ESP32 microcontrollers are both highly affordable and widely accessible. With a mere $1 cost for the basic controller, nodes can be effortlessly integrated into passive electronics such as light bulbs, facilitating the creation of a robust mesh network.
  • 01:15:09 Zapple Pay by Ben Carman
    • Lets you Zap from any nostr client
    • Just react to a note UnLoCkAbLe dIgItAl cOnTeNt with a 🤙 emoji and Zapple Pay will notify your lightning wallet over NWC to pay the zap
  • 01:20:52 Zap.Stream: Nostr Native Streaming with Sats
  • 01:29:20 Nostr Sites: Convert your nostr note into a personal webpage.
    • Use your favorite client to post some html as a note (relay must be connected to wss://relay.nostr.band)
    • Copy the note ID, and paste it on Nostr Sites.
    • You will be redirected to your new page that you can share with your friends
  • 01:30:39 Relayable.org
    • A non-profit operating and managing a network of nostr relays
    • Founded to bring a high level of availability and redundancy to nostr relays.
    • Goal is to help grow nostr protocol and usage by providing a high level of service to users without need for forcing people into a pay-to-relay approach.
    • Six geographically distributed relays that use latency based DNS routing to send users to the closest relay with the least latency.
    • Relay locations: US (x2), Brazil, Singapore, Australia, Sweden
    • Relay locations (comins soon): South Africa, Japan, California
  • 01:37:04 Nostrss:
    • Provides a lightweight and flexible bridge beetween RSS feeds and Nostr protocol
    • Provides a CLI to manage your live instance
  • 01:37:46 ostrich.work: Nostr jobs board
    • Post full-time, part-time, and contract work for Nostr projects.
  • 01:37:56 Mostr: A Nostr Bridge announced by the Alex Gleason [Blog post]
    • A new bridge allows interaction between Fediverse and Nostr

News & Noteworthy

Project News


  • 01:40:00 JeffG is raising funds on Geyser to back contributors and sustain the ongoing development of Nostr.how. JeffG’s ultimate objective is to make it the most comprehensive Nostr resource available online.
  • 01:40:08 Primal secures $1m in funding
    • “Primal has closed a round of financing. We secured $1M from Ten31, Hivemind Ventures and a couple of angels to help us build premium UX on all platforms and form factors to bring us to as many people as possible.” [Citadel Dispatch]

Legacy Social Media

  • 01:41:25 Truth Social Head of Engineering Leaves for Jack-Dorsey-Backed Alternative, Nostr [AP]
    • “Alex Gleason, founder of Soapbox Technology, announced his resignation on Monday as Head of Engineering at Truth Social, the Twitter-alternative platform owned by President Donald Trump, to expand Soapbox to the Jack-Dorsey-backed protocol Nostr.”
  • 01:41:33 Musk explains why he’s rebranding Twitter to X: It’s not just a name change [CNBC(https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/25/musk-explains-why-hes-rebranding-twitter-to-x.html)
    • “In the months to come, we will add comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world”
  • 01:41:38 Instagram launches Threads

Media & Press


  • 01:42:12 Here’s a list of our top recently published reads:
    • Why should I care about nostr? by Bitcoin Barry
    • How to use notacomment by SamSamskies
    • All Your (Advertising) Models are Broken footstr
    • Zapplepay: Zap Even if They Say it’s Forbidden by Tony

Audience Questions

  • “How do vanity addresses like those generated with nostrogen work?”
  • “Do we need fully airgapped signing devices for Nostr keys?”

Episode submission ideas

  • We’re looking for ideas for interesting panel conversations. To send Bitcoin related questions, just go to bitcoin.review and follow the contact links at the bottom of the page.

Get in touch with the pod

Did I get anything wrong above? Help me correct it producer@coinkite.com