I’m joined by guests William Casarin, Pablo and Hodlbod to discuss the latest updates in Nostr.

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  • 00:02:19 Stats rundown from Primal:
    • Users: 557,963
    • Public Keys: 33,362,789
    • Zaps: 1,729,678
    • BTC Zapped: 137.16945829
    • Public Notes: 66,705,394
    • Reposts: 13,692,981
    • Reactions: 24,111,325
    • All Events: 132,307,294


Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 00:03:23 NIP-72: Moderated Communities (Reddit Style) Merged
  • 00:14:49 NIP-79: Digital Contracts, Covenants, and Agreements PR Open
    • Introduces a new proposal (NIP-79) to standardize the representation of digital contracts, covenants, and agreements within the Nostr protocol. This NIP provides guidelines for creating, signing, and managing these entities, enhancing the protocol’s capabilities for secure digital transactions.
  • 00:16:08 Coracle
    • Now supports kind 1808 [Demo]
    • v0.3.5
    • Fix scrambled person list
    • Add NIP-32 labeling for events
    • Add Explore tab which surfaces labels from your follows list
    • Add NIP-36 reports
    • Fix zaps bug
    • Fix person info relays
    • v0.3.4
    • Switch to nostr.build for image hosting
    • Fix url placement in non-empty text box
    • Stop sending invalid search requests
    • Stop loading new notes automatically
    • Refactor gift wrap stuff in preparation for extension support
    • Optimize store.notify
    • Add field components
    • Fix spotify album embed
  • 00:19:36 Damus
    • v1.6-17 (Aug 23)
    • Add support for status URLs
    • Click music statuses to display in spotify
    • Add settings for disabling user statuses
    • Nostrscript + Nostrdb will be amazing. Will Post
    • “I currently have support in nostrscript for fetching from relays, but if scripts work against a database in realtime they will be much faster and simpler.”
    • “Nostrdb can be responsible for syncing stuff in the background while scripts work off the local cache (using the same relay query interface)”
  • 00:23:58 Amethyst
    • Release v0.75.1: Status updates
    • Adds support for NIP-315: Status Updates
    • Adds support for NIP-40: Expiration Timestamp, prunes events accordingly
    • Amethyst’s new DM model
    • Allows users to backup their outgoing DMs to a separate Nostr pubkey. If somebody gets access to the main key, they won’t be able to find or even count your outgoing messages. That will create a new class of micro apps to manage DM backup and recovery.
    • To recover DMs, the backup client re-signs all past messages to a new key your main client just created. If you have two or three clients, you can use 2-3 DM keys. The backup client can keep forwarding your own backed-up DMs to 2-3 other keys so that all clients can sync and see the same messages.
    • You don’t need to trust the counter party or the group you are talking with. They cannot expose your messages without significantly exposing themselves (leaking their main account’s private key).
    • Find out more
  • 00:24:29 Snort
    • v0.1.13
    • Snort V2 Design
    • NIP-24 Encrypted secret chats (nsec login only)
    • NIP-13 Proof of Work (POW)
    • NIP-31 Alt tag spec for unknown event kinds
    • Render mentioned zap goals (Kind 9041)
    • Embed fonts in src (No more google fonts requests)
    • Native key storage for Android app (Nip7os interface)
    • v0.1.12
    • nsecBunker support
  • 00:31:14 Iris
    • v0.2.2
    • Added note previews:
    • Content loading, infinite scroll and performance improved
    • Photo grid display
    • Now supports secret chats that don’t leak metadata. It works also for group messaging. (30 Jul)
    • Method
    • A shared nostr account is created for the secret chat / group. Its nsec can be shared via link, qr code or invite message from a single-use anonymous account.
    • Users can then communicate using the shared account’s messages-to-self. Iris signs the inner messages with your own key, but the arrangement could be used for anonymous group messaging as well.
    • Inner message encryption to be added at some point, so you can ensure that only certain group participants can read the message.
    • This arrangement doesn’t introduce any new event kinds and works also in clients that haven’t implemented a special UX for it. You can just log in with the nsec and message yourself.
    • Earned hrfbounties bounty #3.
  • Current Heredia Update
    • Revamped Settings
    • Posts: New Post button has found a new home in the feed. Spruced-up posting screen. Easy tagging
    • Fresh Home Feed Design
    • User Statuses (NIP-38/NIP-315): User statuses are now integrated
  • 00:31:31 Nostr.kiwi
    • Update 1 (19 Jul)
    • Browse by communities and user groups
    • Progressive web app
    • Communities feed, communities long form, and communities chats
    • 3 modes of sign in - nsecbunker, browser extension, your nsec
    • #zaps - one tap zap on all devices, customize your list of zap amounts in settings
    • #zaps with NWC and Alby NWC
    • #zaps with wallet (browser and mobile)
    • spam filters
    • create user groups and browse feed by user groups
    • Update 2 (21 Jul)
    • Search - Users, communities and tags
    • List of a list of hashtags - Instead of browsing feed by a single tag, you can group a set of tags. That means you can group #meme, #memes, and #funny and browse in your feed.
  • 00:31:57 njump
    • Exited the beta and is ready for production
    • Njump currently lives under nostr.com, you can reach it appending a nostr (NIP-19) entity (npub, nevent, naddr, etc) after the domain, nostr.com/p/{nip-19-entity}, for example:
    • The typical use of njump is to share a resource outside the nostr world (clients), where the nostr: schema is not (yet) active.
  • 00:35:32 Nostur iOS 1.5.0
    • Follow hashtags
    • Undo send after posting
    • Offline posting: will save and post next time there is a connection
    • Share post with web link
    • Lists are now Feeds
    • Relay Feeds
    • Music streams (m3u8)
    • Improved tab button logic for navigating/scrolling
    • Improved image upload quality
  • 00:36:37 Lume v1.2.0
    • UI: New UI
    • UI: New onboarding process
    • Feat: Add “more” button to note, user can open as new screen or copy shareable link (nostr.com)
    • Feat: Add splash screen
    • Feat: Relay discovery (part 3/3 of onboarding process)
    • Feat: Replace user’s follows widget to Network, it will show all posts from user’s following and everyone they follow
    • Feat: Save onboarding process state, if user closes app, user can restart when reopen
    • Feat: When user upload image in composer, also publish it as NIP-94
  • 00:37:51 Primal
    • Web App
    • Now has an edit Profile page (25 Jul)
    • iOS
    • TestFlight 2 is here (26 Jul): Media uploads, faster feed refresh, solidified reply UI and note editing, plus a bunch of fixes. IMO, daily driver candidate.
    • Android
    • v0.14.3 - Beta 3 (Aug 10)
    • Explore: content search
    • Explore: user search
    • Profile: follow/unfollow
    • Launched a new content moderation system for Nostr:
    • Perfect transparency & complete user control
    • All filtering is optional
    • Subscribe to other user’s mute lists
    • Subscribe to filtering algorithms
    • Search filter lists
    • Define “never filter” allow lists
Development Kits
  • 00:47:40 NDK v0.8.21 - The Protocol Is the App Store
    • Adds NIP-89 (app stores need not apply)
    • Adds NIP-90 support (data vending machines)
    • Adds NIP-99 support (craigslist-like events)
    • NDK-Dexie-cache released
    • NDK-Svelte-components released
    • Highlights component support
    • UserCard and a few more user-centric components
  • NDK-Svelte: Make it extraordinarily easy for non-nostr developers to develop nostr apps
  • 00:53:37 Rust Nostr v0.23.0
    • implement nip-39 external identity tag parsing
    • Allow to stop and (re)start Client
    • SDK: improve send_msg method
    • SDK: add FilterOptions
    • Implement serde serializers for NostrWalletConnectURI
    • Feature/add NIP-58 support in eventbuilder
    • Add support to NIP94
    • Add support to NIP53
    • Add httpdata struct to get http auth information from tags in event
    • SDK: Add wait_for_ok to Options
    • Improve subscriptions system
    • Add new functions to NWC
  • 00:54:18 Highlighter v0.2.1 “Thanks, Comrade Google!”
    • Create nostr highlights from ANYWHERE on the web, (including paywalls)
    • Create BOOKMARKS from anywhere on the web
    • Add comments to any website
    • Add nostr encrypted bookmarks
    • All WITHOUT granting ANY access to the extension
  • 00:57:20 Swarmstr v0.24.0
    • Move search to a separate route at /search (seo related);
    • Use params instead of searchParams when searching (seo related);
    • Render appropriate meta tags on server side (seo related);
    • Use mute lists to filter out search results that aren’t questions (previously only recent questions were curated);
    • Fix mentions and question quotes in search results;
    • Fix username position (answers)
  • 00:58:07 Data Vending Machine - Service Provider by Pablo [Demo]
    • This is an implementation of a very simple Data Vending Machine Service Provider.
    • This codebase uses @tiero ‘s Prem AI (premai.io) for easily self-hostable AI backends.
    • Try them with Highlighter’s Dev environment (use the search bar at the top with, e,g, an Overcast URL)
  • 01:04:30 Stemstr is now live
    • Create, connect and collaborate to bring amazing new music into the world.
    • The place where music can be freely downloaded, remixed and shared with others.
  • 01:04:40 Amber: v0.0.7
    • Support for get_public_key
    • UI for encrypt/decrypt nip04
    • Updated dependencies
  • 01:05:42 Magic Webstore
    • Store metadata: view any store’s activity metrics
    • Nostr auth: connect your store to your nostr identity
    • Notifications: authed merchants get a DM when they get a sale
    • Visa gift cards: turn your store proceeds into dollars.
  • 01:05:52 Nostree.me v.0.1.2 “Slug me baby”
    • List slugs:
    • Use slugs to identify your lists, this results in very friendly urls
    • Group several lists together using the same slug in both lists
    • Unique identifiers
    • These are unique urls for your lists, they use nostr standards (nip19) to work, and compared to slugs they will always point to a unique list
    • Docs: New docs page to help with questions about using nostree
    • Change of kind for lists: Lists will be created with kind30001 to get more interoperability with all the protocol.
    • Many UX improvements
  • 01:07:43 nostr-zap v0.21.0
    • Cache lightning wallet uri a162660
Bitcoin Projects Leveraging Nostr
  • 01:08:01 Geyser integrated Zaps
    • Zap from any nostr client Geyser projects
    • Get recognized in the leaderboard, no need to login!
    • The funding amount will be verified by Geyser’s node (so Zaps can’t be faked!)
  • 01:08:53 Umbrel
    • Now you can sync your private relay on Umbrel with public relays, and back up past & future Nostr activity, even if the connection between your client & your private relay goes down.

Project spotlight

  • 01:10:02 Vendata.io: A Nostr client to interact with data vending machines by Pablo
    • Home page: a feed of “global” data vending machine activity
    • See the DVM requests you published
    • See the results you received
    • Create generic job chains:
    • Create a personalized trending topics list based on what you’ve written in the past week
    • Create transcription of 10 podcasts and compile them into a TL;DR of 5 paragraphs
    • Create AI images based on the content of every note you’ve written in the past week
    • Summarize what topics your network has been most actively discussing in the past 24 hours into a well-formatted one-pager
  • 01:11:54 FOMOstr – Twitter’s “You might have missed” on nostr!
  • 01:14:50 Zapgoals: A zap fundraisers for bitcoin donations for your goals launched.
  • 01:14:58 0xchat: A new privacy-focused chat app built on the Nostr protocol.
  • 01:15:27 atomstr: RSS/Atom gateway to Nostr is live. It generates Nostr profiles for each RSS feed and posts new entries to given Nostr relay(s). Users can subscribe to these feeds by connecting to the relay.
  • 01:15:54 Vault: A free, open source, and decentralized password manager.
    • Vault utilizes zero-knowledge encryption to safeguard your data while storing it on NOSTR network for enhanced resilience.
    • Vault saves all your passwords and notes securely by encrypting your data twice; once with your secret key and once with your passcode.
    • Your data are not stored on any centralized server, but rather on a set of relay servers. This means that it is resilient to attacks and that you are the only one who can access your passwords.
    • Vaults facilitate searchable items, allowing you to effortlessly copy the desired information with a single click.
    • Vault is free, open source, and decentralized
  • 01:16:41 w3.do - A free URL shortener service enabled by the NOSTR protocol
  • 01:17:21 Imp Chat by Impervious: Private Group Messaging for #nostr
    • Mobile application that brings private group messaging to #nostr.
    • Positions ‘stealth’ public keys at the heart of its design, delivering unrivaled privacy by ensuring your private communications remain untraceable and unassociated to your public identity - all while retaining the ability to receive and post notes with your publicly associated identity.
    • Incorporates group message identity decoupling and variable message padding, along with end-to-end encryption, disappearing messages, clandestine public keys, private user chat groups, advanced encryption techniques, and user-controlled functionalities
    • Request early access to Imp Chat on Test Flight
  • 01:17:21 Pulsar [Github / Clearnet Site / TOR Site]
    • Pulsar is a simple nostr group chat app that aims to follow best practices to secure all of the data and metadata associated with a chat instance.
    • It works by sending fixed-length, fixed-frequency messages over the nostr messaging network.
    • Each chat instance is encrypted with a shared secret that also acts as an invite for others to join the chat group and decrypt the messages
    • Each real keypair of the participants in the chat instance is wrapped in an ephemeral keypair (which is what is broadcasted to the relays)
    • All messages are encrypted by default with the shared secret using the ephemeral keypairs
    • A fresh ephemeral keypair is also created for each message
    • All messages are padded with garbage data to give them each the same length
    • Additionally a padded / encrypted message is posted every 3 seconds while the instance is open (this is the pulse) which prevents outside observers from identifying the real messages AND when real messages are posted
  • 01:21:19 Spring: The Nostr Browser for Android [First Look]
    • Current Features:
    • Add nsec keys or npubs, switch between keys
    • Browse events on the homepage
    • Open any event in any web app that supports this event kind and has been published on nostr using NIP-89
    • Open/close/hide the browser tabs, grouped by app/domain
    • Log in inside the opened apps as if you have the ‘browser extension’ (nip-07 interface injected into tabs)
    • Pin apps/tabs to your app “drawer” for fast access
    • Access your contact list at the search page, profiles sorted by recently-accessed first
    • Search through profiles, notes and long posts
    • Tab menu - if there is an event-id/npub in the url of the opened tab, you can zap the event, or open with another app from the menu
    • Context menu - if you long-tap on a link with event-id/npub in the url, you can zap/open-with from the context menu
    • Nostr: links clicked inside a tab are handled by showing a list of apps that support this event (NIP-89)
    • Long-tap on a text selection with event-id/npub to open the context menu to zap/open-with

News & Noteworthy



  • 01:30:23 Nostrasia registrations open
    • All Unconference updates will be communicated via Notes on the Official Nostrasia account or via Nostrasia official account DM. The npub for the official Nostrasia account is: npub1nstrcu63lzpjkz94djajuz2evrgu2psd66cwgc0gz0c0qazezx0q9urg5l
    • The personal npub that you enter into this form will receive a DM with your ticket once tickets are distributed. This may be several weeks from now. You must have access to that ticket number when registering in-person at the venue.
  • 01:31:27 Nostrville Free two-day summit focused on the future of nostr, with an emphasis on the power of nostr + bitcoin (2023-11-09 - 2023-11-11)
  • 01:32:11 Pleblab Introduces the NostrDev course
    • “In just under 8 hours, we’ll guide you from being a novice to becoming a proficient Nostr developer, enabling you to create resilient, censorship-resistant decentralized networks.”
    • Who is this course for?
    • Anyone wants to start learning how to code on Nostr
    • Anyone who is trying to learn to code
    • Those looking to develop on freedom tech
    • Digital privacy enthusiasts looking to expand their knowledge
    • Anyone wants to build a Nostr Reddit

Reads & Resources

  • 01:32:50 Here’s a list of our top recently released reads and resources:
    • NOSTR GUIDE by uselessshit
    • Apple allowed Current App to keep the zap button on posts by Current on Habla.news

Episode submission ideas

  • We’re looking for ideas for interesting panel conversations. To send Bitcoin related questions, just go to bitcoin.review and follow the contact links at the bottom of the page.

Get in touch with the pod

Did I get anything wrong above? Help me correct it producer@coinkite.com