I’m joined by guests Rob Hamilton, Ben Carman, Future Paul and Jameson Lopp to go through the list.

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  • 00:01:01 Coinkite is looking for a Production Manager, email jobs@coinkite.com
  • 00:01:39 BBQr reminder

Vulnerability Disclosures

  • 00:04:53 Flaw in password manager RoboForm helps researchers recovered a 20 character passphrase, unlocking access to a bitcoin wallet containing 43.6 bitcoin [Wired]
    • The flaw tied password generation to the computer’s date and time, making it possible to recreate passwords if the creation date was known​.
  • 00:08:24 Japanese exchange DMM hacked for 4,502.9 bitcoin [Official announcement]
    • While nothing as been confirmed yet, on-chain analyst @Mononautical has suggested a possible address poisoning attack.
  • 00:11:34 GitHub warns of SAML auth bypass flaw in Enterprise Server [Bleeping Computer]
    • “GitHub has fixed a maximum severity authentication bypass vulnerability tracked as CVE-2024-4985, which impacts GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) instances using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO) authentication”
  • 00:16:35 Whatsapp vulnerable to traffic analysis [The Intercept]
    • A security assessment reveals that governments can conduct traffic analysis to monitor who communicates with whom, utilizing internet infrastructure to observe data flow, exposing both sender and recipient details without breaking encryption.
  • 00:17:21 Surveilling the Masses with Wi-Fi-Based Positioning Systems [ArXiv research paper]
    • A new attack shows how Apple’s Wi-Fi-based Positioning Systems (WPSes) can be abused allowing unprivileged attackers to “amass a worldwide snapshot of Wi-Fi BSSID geolocations in only a matter of days.”
  • 00:18:12 Lopp’s list of known physical bitcoin attacks


Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 00:41:36 Casa announces support for wallet descriptors [Blog post]
    • Descriptors provide a standardized way to define wallet addresses and spending conditions.
    • What is a Wallet Descriptor?
      • Structured format describing wallet characteristics.
      • Includes keys/hashes, script expression, and script operations.
      • Standardizes address generation, import, and spending conditions.
    • Casa’s Use of Wallet Descriptors
      • Example: A 3-key Casa vault descriptor uses extended public keys and derivation paths.
      • Allows easy viewing and saving of wallet descriptors in the Casa app.
    • Benefits of Wallet Descriptors
      • Unambiguous and specific, avoiding confusion.
      • Ensures interoperability between different wallet implementations.
      • Simplifies wallet backups and recreation.
      • Supports complex scripts and future compatibility.
    • Wallet Recreation and Recovery
      • Descriptors prevent loss of access due to missing derivation paths or public keys.
      • Simplifies multisig wallet recoveries by including all necessary public keys.
  • 00:51:47 BTCPay Server v1.13.2
    • BoltCard plugin - Create, top-up and check boltcard balance of all from your BTCPay! (A single point of sale device can now not only accept, but also issue and top up BoltCards. BTCPay is now becoming end-to-end solution for #bitcoin economies.
    • Refund reports
    • Allow lightning: in html hyperlinks
  • 00:51:52 Specter
    • specter-diy v1.9.0
      • Add taproot miniscript support
      • BIP85 app
      • Export of multiple xpubs
      • Ask for overwrite of the files on the SD card and smartcard
    • specter-desktop
      • v2.0.5
        • Macos intel architecture officially supported
      • v2.0.3
        • Add support for more languages for mnemonics
        • Allow bumpfee on transactions with a single output
        • Enforce hwi init
        • Kn/macos signing
  • 00:53:07 Electrum v4.5.5
    • General: update support to latest revision of SLIP-39 mnemonic spec (to restore)
    • Lightning: unify max fee bounds for payments, make it configurable
    • QML GUI (Android): add tx options to ConfirmTxDialog, RbfBumpFeeDialog
    • Binaries: add AppArmor profiles for tarball and AppImage
  • 00:53:35 Nunchuk Desktop v1.9.34 / Android v1.9.46
    • Update network settings for easily managing Electrum servers, including custom ones
    • Ability for subscribers to securely change their email address
    • Update message retention logic for Byzantine and Finney group chats
  • 00:58:24 Bitcoin Keeper v1.2.7
    • File based communication enabled for all supporting devices
    • Canary Wallet: Action cards notify you of key use
    • Health Check UX enhanced for all types of signers
    • One time backup of all Assisted Keys now available
  • 00:58:32 Green QT v2.0.6
    • Add QR unlock for Jade as an experimental feature
    • Improve QR Code scanning
  • 00:58:42 Bisq2 v2.0.4
    • Add list view to Offerbook
    • Offerbook list and markets list are collapsable for minimized layout
    • Last seen column, search filter and export to csv feature to user profile table at reputation UI
    • Add support for custom bisq.conf file in data directory
    • Add support for running on Whonix
  • 00:58:45 Wasabi Wallet v2.0.8
    • Exclude UTXOs from autocoinjoin: an “exclude coins” menu option is now available 
 that allows users to restrict which coins are consumed as coinjoin inputs.
    • Coordinator selection in GUI: users can now paste the connection information for their chosen coinjoin coordinator without needing to edit any config files.
    • Tor bridges are now supported in Wasabi
    • Tails & Whonix OS support
    • Install Linux udev rules for hardware wallets
  • 1:01:24 Labelbase v2.2.0 - Derive Addresses Feature
    • Efficient address derivation: generate Bitcoin addresses from a BIP-329 XPUB label with ease
    • Direct labeling: label each derived address directly within the ‘Derive Addresses’ tab
    • Enhanced workflow: integrate address derivation and labeling into your existing processes smoothly
  • 1:03:39 ESP-miner v2.1.5
    • Add option to configure hostname
    • Add more Logging before esp_restart
    • Add best difficulty since system boot
    • Wifi will continue to try to re-connect when disconnected
    • Fan will no longer go 100% on reboot

Project spotlight

  • 1:03:45 Satsie Zines
  • 1:06:28 NFC Push Tx This feature allows single-tap broadcast of the freshly-signed transaction
    • Once enabled with a URL, the COLDCARD will show the NFC animation after signing the transaction. When the user taps their phone, the phone will see an NFC tag with URL inside. That URL contains the signed transaction ready to go, and once opening in the mobile browser, that URL will load. The landing page will connect to a Bitcoin node (or similar) and send the transaction on the public Bitcoin network.
    • This feature is available on Q and Mk4 and requires NFC to be enabled. See Advanced/Tools > NFC Push Tx
  • 1:10:44 Meshtastic BitcoinCore Bridge: Broadcast raw transactions over Meshtastic Lora to a computer with Bitcoin Core [Github]
  • 1:14:30 Ginger Wallet: Bitcoin privacy solution with an active coinjoin service [Github]
    • Ginger Wallet is a fork of Wasabi Wallet that established a new coordinator with a coinjoin service.
    • The coordinator is “maintained by former CTO, Head of UI, Head of Communications and some other devs from @WasabiWallet”, according to a Twitter post.
  • 1:15:11 cargo-checkct: open-source tool developed to counter timing attacks [Ledger Donjon Blog post]
    • cargo-checkct simplifies verifying the constant-timedness of Rust cryptography libraries by generating necessary scripts and verification drivers, using BINSEC. [Github]

Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 1:15:23 SimpleX
    • v5.8.0
      • Private message routing to protect IP addresses
      • Protect IP address when receiving files
      • Chat themes with wallpapers - set themes for all chats app-wide, per chat profile and per conversation - Android and desktop apps
      • Some groups permissions can now be granted to admins only
      • Improved message and file delivery with reduced battery usage
      • Persian interface language - Android and desktop apps
    • v5.8.0-beta.3
      • Opt-in “private message routing” that protects IP addresses from destination messaging relays - both configured and destination relays must support it.
      • Additional group preferences: per-role permissions to send SimpleX links, files and media, voice messages and direct messages.

Project spotlight

  • 1:15:50 Pushtx: Privacy-focused bitcoin transaction broadcast tool [Announcement]
    • “Rust program that broadcasts Bitcoin transactions directly into the P2P network by connecting to a set of random Bitcoin nodes”. [Github]
  • 1:16:15 lofextra: local-first expense tracker [Github]
    • Retain full ownership of your data securely and privately, e2e encrypted updates between devices, use mnemonic phrase as key to your account, no registration, no email, no password, works offline

Lightning + L2+

Software Releases & Project Updates

  • LND v0.18.0-beta
    • Functional Enhancements:
      • Experimental support for inbound routing fees is added
      • A new config value, sweeper.maxfeerate, is added so users can specify the max allowed fee rate when sweeping on-chain funds
      • Support for pathfinding and payment to blinded paths has been added via the QueryRoutes (and SendToRouteV2) APIs
    • RPC Additions:
      • Adds a new RPC endpoint GetTransaction to the walletrpc sub-server to fetch transaction details
      • Add a new flag to the CloseChannel RPC method that instructs the client to not wait for the closing transaction to be negotiated
    • lncli Additions:
  • 1:17:27 Mutiny node v1.7.2
    • Fetch federation info from invite code if not on nostr
    • Add NIP98 auth for nostr.build
    • Match NWC events by p tag instead event pk
  • Alby
    • lightning-browser-extension v3.8.1
      • Eliminate Nostr permissions inconsistencies, removes need to set permissions repeatedly, after being set.
      • Introduce deny permission functionality, block permissions once or permanently
      • Add possibility to use LaWallet via the browser extension
      • UI update to Extension, Wallet and Nostr settings
      • Introduce lightning and Nostr address settings in the extension
    • bitcoin-connect
      • v3.5.1
        • Add lnbits make invoice function
      • v3.5.0
        • Add micro-node
  • BoltzExchange
    • boltz-backend v3.7.0
    • This release enables users to swap between Liquid and the mainchain with both sides being regular on-chain transactions
    • Updates:
      • allow specifying referral via URL query
      • chain swap POC
      • FeeProvider for chain swaps
      • SQL queries for chain swaps
      • recreate filters for chain swaps
      • cooperative chain swap claims
      • cooperative chain swap refunds
      • EVM chain swaps
      • allow configuring API endpoint of CLI
      • include reverse routing hints in swapinfo
      • partialy cooperative chain swap claims
    • boltz-web-app v1.4.0
      • add Dockerfile
      • play sound on successful swaps
      • show amount on success page
      • add browser notification
      • chain swaps
  • lnbits v0.12.6
    • User Manager added for easily monitoring users and wallets on the server
    • Eclair critical bug fix - please update if running on Eclair
    • phoenixd wallet integration
  • Geyser: Removes ‘Milestones’ and introduces ‘Goals’
    • Goals start at $0
    • Set denomination
    • Contribute to a goal
    • Prioritize goals
    • Hide/View toggle
    • Add emoji
  • minibits-cash minibits_wallet v0.1.8-beta.19
    • Optional push notifications delivered even app is closed or backgrounded
    • Firebase messaging is used only as a data carrier. Notification shown is constructed only on device
    • All data encrypted to keys living on device only
    • Ecash is never sent through notification, it is claimed by wallet on wakeup using api sending all claimable tokens as a batch over TLS, with tokens encrypted to device keys again, so that MITM or some api auth leak won’t leak your ecash to an attacker
    • Claiming fully works without notifications enabled
    • Add new recovery tool to recover wallet address only from Settings for cases, where balance recovery is not necessary
  • Thunderhub v0.13.31
    • Add Taproot swaps, upgrading Boltz LN -> on-chain swaps to Taproot.
  • BitBanana v0.8.0
    • Core Lightning support
    • LndHub support
    • Support for self-hosted exchange rate provider
    • Add mempool.space as exchange rate provider (clearnet & tor)
    • Support for self-hosted Fee Estimation
    • Add mempool.space and blockstream as Fee Estimation providers (clearnet & tor)
    • Scan QR codes from images
    • Set exact on-chain fees in sat/vB
    • Send and request sub satoshi amounts
  • Liquid Wallet Kit wollet v0.5.1
    • Add wallet drain (send all) support for L-BTC
  • Aqua Wallet v0.1.55
    • iOS only release. Disable Buy Bitcoin card and sideswap swaps for app store compliance

Project spotlight

  • 1:17:27 Harbor: ecash desktop wallet for better Bitcoin privacy [Announcement] [Geyser page]
    • Privacy: uses Tor for all communications and displays a privacy score for funds held in the wallet.
    • Multi-mint: Harbor simplifies the use of multiple mints by showing a unified balance, reducing risks associated relying on a single mint.
    • Automation: the desktop app allows processes to be run in the background. Increase privacy by setting up a schedule moving funds in and out of mints.
  • Invoice Detective by Lipa: Rust library and service designed to deduce the recipient of a lightning payment [Github]
    • “By looking at the details of the provided BOLT-11 lightning invoice and leveraging some knowledge of the lightning network graph.”
    • “Invoice Detective identifies whether the payee is a user of a non-custodial wallet, custodial exchange, or something else.”


Software Releases & Project Updates

  • 1:25:17 Primal iOS v1.7.21
    • Faster rendering
    • Wide feed layout
    • Top zaps in feeds
    • Notifications facelift
    • Improved app chrome
    • Improved connectivity
  • Amethyst v0.87.0
    • Add support for:
      • NIP-90, data vending machines
      • Discovery content DVMs in the discovery tab
      • Paid DVMs
      • NIP-06 seed word key derivation (bip32 and bip39) when logging in
      • NIP-65 relay lists
      • NIP-17 private DM relay lists
      • Private relay lists to save Draft events
      • Local relays as a separate relay set, saving locally only.
    • Add message + dialog to setup Search relays when searching
    • Add message + dialog to setup DM relays when messaging
    • Add paste from clipboard button to NWC screen
    • Improves Zap efficiency for large zap splits
  • Coracle v0.4.5
    • Accept npubs in people input
    • Skip notifying admin when the person joining/leaving groups is the admin
    • Remove group share modal, skip straight to create invite link
    • Make groups deletable
    • Republish user profile data when joining a new relay
    • Add wallet setup onboarding item
    • Add custom feeds
    • Introduce new in-memory relay
    • Use bitcoin connect instead of webln
  • nos.social v0.1.15
    • Redesign the Profile screen
    • Improve performance in various parts of the app for users with large follow lists
    • Sort the featured profiles in the Discover tab
    • Switch from Reportinator to Tagr bot for content labeling
    • Discover tab now features new accounts
  • zap.store
    • v0.1.2
      • Add categories and latest releases to home screen
      • Tablet/landscape support
      • Remove autofocus in search bar
    • v0.1.1
      • Remove Primal link in time before the pitchforks, njump is used now
      • Results will now clear when clearing the search query
      • Logged in user is now persisted
      • Refresh now works when pulling in the app detail screen
      • Add SHA-256 hash in the release details
  • Voyage v0.5.1
    • Show direct replies and cross-posts in inbox view
    • Add tabs to profile view for posts, replies, about page and relays
    • Open translator to translate note content

Project spotlight

  • 1:26:00 SIGit: open-source and self-hostable solution for secure document signing and verification using Nostr [Gitlab]
    • Design factors:
      • Uses Nostr for identity and key management
      • Documents remain encrypted at every steps of the process
  • 1:27:14 git-remote-nostr: Git remote helper for nostr [Github]
    • Transparent bidirectional bridge between git and nostr. It lets you push your git repositories to blossom servers and maintains branch and tags info using NIP-34 kind 30618 repository state events.
  • 1:27:35 Corny Chat: open source audio space built on Jam that integrates Nostr and Lightning [Github]
    • Existing Nostr users can easily login using the name and image set on their Nostr profile.
  • 1:28:11 Tidal Nostr Login


  • Thanks to everyone who streamed sats, and shoutout to our top boosters:
    • [🏆 TOP BOOSTER] @hightraverse (100,000 sats) “Love the pod. Love NVK, a true builder. Love Coldcard. Also love Seedsigner - just different tradeoffs as ODELL often reminds us. No need to talk your book and shit on Pi without the nuance - is tiresome.”
    • @seedor (21,000 sats) “ONLY since Satoshi found digital gold, any real liberty can exist! Few.”
    • @maxawebster (21,000 sats) “Great show gents!”
    • @vake (10,000 sats) “Bitcoin is so boring, like watching paint dry.”
    • @qxotk (4,224 sats) “ETFr TROLL ME”
    • @wartime (3,333 sats) “Nostr only for a few weeks now. Odell did start a movement. Dozens of us have followed suit đŸ»â€
    • @dubravko (1,760 sats) “Holy Mother Eff this is a spicy episode. Thank you all. This panel is definitely (probably) not ghey.”
    • @cantillionaire (1,000 sats) “Bluetooth.review”

Tech Tip of the Day

  • Apple “Hide My email” feature

Bitcoin Optech Newsletter

Highlights from recent Bitcoin Optech Newsletters

  • 305
    • Light client protocol for silent payments: post by Setor Blagogee describing a protocol draft specification to assist lightweight clients in receiving silent payments.
    • Raw taproot descriptors: post by Oghenovo Usiwoma, dedcribing two new descriptors for constructing taproot spend conditions (rawnode(<hash>) and rawleaf(<script>,[version]))
    • Should overlapping soft fork proposals be considered mutually exclusive? Discussion initiated by Pierre Rochard on Delvin Bitcoin.
  • 304
    • Upgrading existing LN channels: summary posted by Carla Kirk-Cohen to Delving Bitcoin, analyzing proposals in upgrading existing LN channels to support new features.
      • Changing parameters: allow channel parameters to be updated subsequently
      • Updating commitments: “ Commitment upgrades can allow switching to anchor outputs and v3 transactions in P2WSH-based channels, and for simple taproot channels to switch to using PTLCs.”
      • Replacing funding: allow for different types of outputs to be used in the funding transaction, originally using P2WSH output.
      • Suggestions comparison by Kirk-Cohen in upgrading channels: Dynamic commitments, Splice to upgrade and Upgrade on re-establish.
    • Challenges in rewarding pool miners: post by Ethan Tuttle suggesting a new payout system from mining pools, rewarding miners with ecash tokens in proportion to the number of shares mined.
    • Discussion about PSBTs for silent payments: post by Josie Baker, discussing PSBTs for silent payments. Two aspects have been cited from a previous draft specification by Andrew Toth.
      • Spending to SP addresses: “Baker describes a scheme that may allow a spender to create an SP output script without the private key, but it has the potential to leak a private key 
      • Spending previously received SP outputs: will require PSBTs to include the shared secret.
    • Proposed miniscript BIP: Ava Chow posted to the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list a draft BIP for miniscript.
    • Channel value pegging: proposal by Tony Klausing for Stable Channels, peer-to-peer dollar balances on Lightning.

News & Noteworthy

Business & Finance

  • Ark Labs, a new company dedicated to building bitcoin layer-two solutions based on the new Ark protocol, unveiled [Blog Post]
    • Company Launch**: Ark Labs, a new venture, is dedicated to developing bitcoin layer-two solutions using the Ark protocol.
    • Proposed in May 2023, Ark is designed to offer speed and scalability without liquidity management burdens for end users, while maintaining self-custody.
    • Ark is moving from theoretical to practical implementation with Ark Labs’ launch.
    • A working Ark implementation is available on GitHub.
    • Key Features of Ark
      • Frictionless Onboarding: Users can start receiving Ark transactions immediately without needing existing bitcoin.
      • No Inbound Liquidity Issues: Users can receive as many virtual transactions as supported by an Ark Service Provider (ASP).
      • Offline Receives: Users can receive Ark transactions even when their wallets are offline.
      • Self-Custody: Users can withdraw funds on-chain at any time, even if their ASP is offline.
    • Ark Labs invites interested parties to integrate Ark, contribute to its development, or make initial Ark payments.
    • Reach out via email or subscribe to the newsletter for updates.
  • Gemini Earn users receive $2.18 billion of their digital assets in kind [Gemini’s Blog post]
    • Approximately 97% of digital assets owed by Genesis were deposited into users Gemini accounts, with remaining assets expected within the next 12 months.
  • Blink launches Blink Private, its OTC desk in El Salvador [Announcement]
  • 1:32:22 HodlHodl blocks access to Lend, its lendind platform, to U.S. citizens [Blog post]
  • HodlHodl removes Venmo, Zelle, Charles Schwab, Fidelity Bank (USA) and Apple Pay from its list of payment methods [Announcement]
  • Semler Scientific adopts bitcoin as its primary treasury reserve asset and purchased 581 bitcoin [Press release]
  • Gibraltar-regulated Xapo Bank enables bitcoin deposits via the Lightning Network leveraging partneship with Lightspark [The Block]
  • Strike adds instant bank withdrawals for U.S. customers [Twitter post]
  • Ledger starts shipping latest product Ledger Stax [Announcement]
  • CoinCards launches physical gift cards in the U.S. [Announcement]


  • 1:33:16 Peer-to-Peer Rights Fund Launched
    • “Our mission is to safeguard the decentralized, peer-to-peer integrity of the Bitcoin ecosystem by defending non-custodial tools and their developers from regulatory overreach.”
    • “We are committed to protecting innovation, privacy, and user autonomy through strategic litigation and advocacy. By supporting pivotal legal cases and providing essential regulatory guidance, we aim to establish a fair legal framework that ensures the continued growth and resilience of Bitcoin’s open-source community.”
  • 1:33:28 Unchained and the University of Austin launch first long-term endowment fund held in bitcoin [Press release]
    • The collaboration aims to raise $5 million, with the goal to integrate bitcoin into higher education.
  • 1:33:35 The Human Rights Foundation has awarded full or partial bounties in 7 out of 11 categories, based on features wanted by at-risk activists and dissidents [Announcement]
    • With four categories remaining: Human Readable Bolt12 Offers, Easy Mobile Multisig, Frost Multisig Wallet and BIP47 Expansion.
  • 1:33:40 Spiral supports newest grantee Sean Giligan in building ValidiTEE, a FOSS Validating Lightning Signer that runs in a Secure Enclave [Announcement]
  • 1:33:45 Bitcoin Design Foundation grants support to two more contributors:
    • Michael Haase (@haasemike) has been working on “the Bitcoin Core App project across design and other project contributions like testing, communication, and project management.” [Announcement]
    • @Yashraj__ for his “work around best practices for silent payments UX.” [Announcement]


  • 1:34:05 Concept for solderless ASIC chip modules [Twitter post]
    • These modules allow for quick replacement of failed chips, potentially reducing e-waste in Bitcoin mining.
    • The open-source design aims to enable universal hashboards or hashdisks that can accept various ASIC chip models, facilitating easy upgrades.
  • Riot Platforms proposes to acquire bitcoin mining competitor Bitfarms for US$2.30 per share and acquires a 9.25% stake becoming Bitfarms largest shareholder [Press release]
  • Marathon Digital enters into an agreement with the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum of the Republic of Kenya (MOEP) [Press release]
  • Ocean Mining establishes international hub in San Salvador, El Salvador [Press release]


  • European police chiefs call for action against end-to-end encryption roll-out [Press release]
    • The agency argues that such encryption hinders law enforcement’s ability to combat serious crime and terrorism.
  • Luxor Technology implements KYB for its business customers, partners with Persona [stacker.news]
  • Speed Wallet implements KYC for all U.S. based users [Twitter post]
  • Mastercard launches Crypto Credentials [Press release]
    • Allows users to send and receive cryptocurrencies using simplified aliases across multiple exchanges and countries.


  • Bitcoin Core binaries can now be reproducible built on all 8 release platforms across x86_64, AArch64 and RISC-V. [PR #21778]
    • “Migrating our macOS builds from Apples LD64 & cctools, to LLVMs LLD and binutils, was the last step.” [@fanquake’s Twitter post]

Government & Political

  • SEC officially approves all spot Ethereum ETFs [Watcher.guru]
  • Samourai Wallet developers first court hearing [Bitcoin Magazine]
    • “The prosecution stated that it is nearly set to engage in discovery (sharing the evidence that it plans to use for the trial with the defendants) 
    • SW founder’s attorney plans to file a motion to dismiss the indictment, arguing that non-custodial service providers shouldn’t be classified as money transmitters.
  • Moody’s upgrades đŸ‡žđŸ‡» El Salvador’s credit rating to Caa1 from Caa3. [Bitcoin News]
    • The outlook remains stable. This upgrade reflects a significant decrease in credit risks and a lower likelihood of liquidity stress.
  • Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining is now prohibited in Venezuela [Venezuela’s National Association of Cryptocurrencies’ Twitter post]
  • Donald Trump becomes first president to accept bitcoin Lightning Network payment for campaign donations [Bitcoin Magazine]


  • BTCAzores
    • Announces 2024 edition
    • September 14-15, 2024 in Terceira island, Azores
  • The Bulgarian Bitcoin Conference
    • Fourth edition of the conference
    • June 8-9, 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Indonesia Bitcoin Conference has been postponed
    • Future conferences will happen biannually, with the next one set for 2025


Here’s a list of our top recently published reads:

  • Save Money with UTXO Management: a 5 minute Guide [Bittr’s Blog post]
  • “Bitmain’s latest fuckery” by @GrassFedBitcoin [Twitter post]
  • Going Dark: The war on encryption is on the rise [Mullvad’s article]
  • drduh tutorial on building your own router based on relatively simple tech like openbsd and debian [Github]

Episode submission ideas

  • We’re looking for ideas for interesting panel conversations. To send Bitcoin related questions, just go to bitcoin.review and follow the contact links at the bottom of the page.

Get in touch with the pod

Did I get anything wrong above? Help me correct it producer@coinkite.com